Peace For Our Time
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Peace For Our Time

May 28, 2023

A year ago, we were warned that war was coming.

It was coming to Ukraine. It was coming from Russia. All the threats and signs were there.

And once it began a year ago today, many people were sure that Ukraine would get steamrolled …

A year later, that last point has been gratefully proven wrong. Ukraine has fiercely stood its ground, and much of the world has rallied to support this stand against a familiar specter of authoritarian overreach.

Now, there is also talk of “peace,” but it doesn’t always ring with lofty intentions.

We’re seeing a reversal of what might be viewed as traditional, or at least stereotypical, political roles. There are usually hawkish conservative types calling for peace in Ukraine by ending our support of that country, and now it’s the progressives who are being labeled warmongers for backing Kyiv. All that these modern-day war critics are saying, it seems, is give peace a chance.

In truth, peace can be a vague and stubbornly relative concept.

The peace that U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke of this week when the former visited Kyiv was one in which Ukraine’s own territories are liberated and its security and independence are assured.

The peace that critics of the war currently seek is one in which Ukraine goes it alone without American help. Or, it’s one in which Ukraine surrenders land to appease Moscow with hopes that the aggression will end — until, that is, Russian President Vladimir Putin inevitably renews his campaign to reconstitute the old Soviet empire, here at the expense of Ukraine’s very existence. He would likely be inclined to do that because our willingness to accept peace on his terms today would probably lead him to believe that we still wouldn’t have the stomach to stand in his way tomorrow.

There’s a fatal difference in those visions.

There’s a difference between the peace that comes with freedom and the peace of subjugation.

There’s also the kind of peace that’s purchased through appeasement, such as Munich in 1938 when western European powers, eager to avoid war, surrendered part of Czechoslovakia to Germany in hopes that it would satisfy Adolf Hitler’s expansionist appetite. “I believe it is peace for our time,” British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain exalted when he returned home from Munich waving a signed agreement that would be rendered utterly worthless within a year.

And there’s the peace of hard-fought victory, such as at the end of World War II, which was unleashed, in part, because Hitler’s appetite was not sated — but, rather, perhaps emboldened — by that 1938 gift.

Peace, like war, teaches us a lot.

The allure of peace is irresistible, even holy. But, as I’ve written before, we’ve learned that it’s sometimes better to go to war for the right reasons than keep the peace for the wrong reasons.

In this case, the responsibility of peace isn’t up to the Ukrainians. They’re not the invaders. They aren’t “escalating” when they fight back. They’re not shelling civilian targets or relocating the children of combatants for “reeducation,” which is something Axios reported last week.

The responsibility here rests on Moscow’s shoulders. If Russia wanted peace, it could have it tomorrow. All it needs to do is stop the bombing, stop the threats and bring its troops home. (As has been noted on social media, if the Russians stop fighting, the war is over; if the Ukrainians stop fighting, Ukraine is over.)

Until Putin comes to terms with that, the promise of peace is simply a mirage.

A year ago, Russia stepped into what has become a near-hopeless situation. It has drained its resources, burned through a good chunk of its ground military, exposed its own flaws, united the west and pushed wary neighbors into NATO’s arms. Russia has made its own situation exponentially worse, and it has strengthened an argument for peace on terms it cannot stomach, on terms the world will surely demand.

For the sake of real peace, it must.

Unless we continue to support Ukraine’s stand against this Soviet ghost trying to claw its way out of the graveyard of history, a genuine and lasting peace will only be a dream — and the warring won’t stop at Ukraine.

Follow @kelly_hertz on Twitter.

Zelensky provoking China publicly is not moving towards peace whatsoever. Neither is Sleepy Joe's destruction of Nord Stream.

Are we really this shallow and naiive? C'mon man.

“We’re seeing a reversal of what might be viewed as traditional, or at least stereotypical, political roles. There are usually hawkish conservative types calling for peace in Ukraine by ending our support of that country, and now it’s the progressives who are being labeled warmongers for backing Kyiv.”

As if to reinforce Kelly’s words, our “Deeply Connected,” and “I have the inside scoop” dear old Abe, tells us again “Just you wait, You’ll be sorry.”

He also seems to be confusing Russia with China. (Or maybe he’s telling us we need to roll over for them too?)

“Oh, Ronald Reagan, could you ever imagine your Republican Party would come to this?”

China has always been about saving face. It is shameful for them to be called out by Zelensky in public. He's playing with fire and he is being foolish. NATO could be fighting a Russian-Chinese alliance if someone doesn't pull back the reigns.

And why would anyone care to support the world's most corrupt nation? Well, I suppose the secrets there must be kept at all costs. Biden said he'd keep the US out of Forever Wars then vows to support Ukraine for as long as it takes: sheer stupidity and empty hubris.

Germany is losing their citizen's support for arming Ukraine, and I'd bet most of Western Europe thinks it's high time to concede to Russia. Ukraine has gone twelve rounds and can't match Russia's might. They've lost nearly half million soldiers and that is a big blow to a country of around 20 million. The whole thing is just stupid.

You idiots who insist on regurgitating the news simply don't realize how controlled you are. You think you're smart, but you're all just gullible.

There is no money to be made by M.I.C/Church's in Peace. Peace gives no kickback grease to Congressmen/women either.

The Party Ronald Reagan has become the Party of Marjory Taylor Greene, Abe, VoiceforAll and Larry scolding us for provoking our enemies.

Instead of “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

The new Republican Party says “Mr. Putin, help us get elected again, and we will help you tear down the rules-based world order!”

The times have changed and you are supporting a totally ludicrous administration.

The Republicans’ good friend, Putin, that “genius“ who invaded Ukraine (in the words of their Dear Leader) has already seen his plans of conquest slip from his incompetent and bloody 🩸🩸🩸hands.

The question now is whether the Republicans can prevent us from finishing the job, or if we will be going through decades more of a new Cold War.

If Republicans succeed, the war may well end with Ukraine split between a Russian controlled Ukraine with a decaying, incompetent command economy and a vibrant democratic and capitalist Ukraine.

Postwar Germany is the historical antecedent for this.

This is the cowards’ choice the New Republican Party of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Abe, VoiceforAll and Larry are offering to America.

In all of his postings “I have the inside scoop” Abe/Mr. Clean posts his unsubstantiated opinion or calls on us to believe his thoroughly debunked sources like the silly and clumsy “1000 Mules” propaganda.

Then he closes by calling us out in names and derogatory comments that ironically apply best to himself.

I wonder what Larry and VoiceforAll will have to say to support Putin’s war…

You will never face the truth until it crushes you. Unfortunately, that is the case for far too many Americans: they believe the propaganda

As a proud democrat I would be remiss in mentioning the following facts:

1. The U.S. has spent at least $113 billion on the war in Ukraine, not nearly enough.

2. The Pentagon is unable to account for billions of those dollars and refuses to say where it has gone. So.

3. Joe Biden warned of war in Ukraine months before the war started, yet defiantly did nothing to stop it. Great move by him, we all know it is much easier to stop a war once it starts than letting one start in the first place.

4. President Biden visits to America's southern border since becoming President, one. President Biden visits to Ukraine since becoming President, one. As VP Biden went to Ukraine six times. If this isn't a sign of a true American President I don' know what is.

5. President Biden visits to one of the nations largest ever environmental disasters, zero. If this doesn't prove how important the environment is to this administration, nothing ever will.

6. President Biden's most honorable son Hunter sits on the board of Ukraine's largest natural gas company Burisma. So. Right?

7. President Biden's most honorable son Hunter's business firm brought in $11 million via his role as an attorney with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud. So. Has to be Trump's fault.

8. President Biden's honorable son Hunter helped secure money for a U.S. biolab contractor in Ukraine. The investment fund ran by Hunter funded research and the implementation of the U.S.'s military biological program while Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States. Really?

9. The House Oversight Committee is inching closer to subpoenaing President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, Wednesday morning as the Biden's are past the deadline set by the committee to provide records related to their family business dealings overseas in Ukraine and China. Much to do about nothing, right fellow democrats?

10. There are over 580,000 homeless people in the U.S. They don't need the help, right fellow democrats?

11. President Biden and his administration refuse to supply Congress any reports on the accountability of the billions of dollars being sent to Ukraine. Who cares, as long as it looks like we are doing something, that is all that matters, right?

In the end, as long as we can blame someone else, and that should be Trump and MAGA, as long as we continue to blindly follow President Biden, as long as we deny any of the "bad" stuff going on and keep telling everyone our version of the truth, this is all fine. As a democratic party that runs on staying out of and not getting involved in wars, what's a few billion dollars, what's a few tanks, what's a few ship loads of ammunition, we aren't involved, it's just an easy way to make sure our President and his son can keep funneling money to their companies in Ukraine, and that isn't wrong, is it? Let me finish by saying, we need to keep denying any of this is happening and, this is all Trump's fault.

And to those Germans who were paying so very little for Russian fuel, it serves them right! We have enough allies already. We don't need Germany. (Nod and wink to Norway).

As far as funding goes, who cares where the money goes? So long as the corrupt Ukrainian regime continues to kill their own with our weapons, who cares? And that goes double for the nerve agents used on innocent women and children because they are worthless Christians and deserve to die. Now there's a puppet we should all get behind, especially since the news tells us to.

Abe, how can someone so “deeply connected” be so uninformed⁉️

And when does anyone have “enough allies”?

And specifically, who in their right mind would kiss off the most powerful nation in Europe. It’s the linchpin of the EU. 🤷‍♂️

You’re one of a kind, Abe.

Seldom is such monumental arrogance and such head slapping 🤦‍♂️ ignorance found in the same clueless personality.

There you are VoiceforAll! I was getting a little worried. You were averaging three posts a day before you went silent for a whole day.

I understand now. You were putting together this generic list of Trumpster grievances.

But you know old pal, even if one were to accept your spin on this business, it’s kind of hard to see how it explains the Republican Party abandoning Ronald Reagan’s staunch opposition to the “evil empire.”

Do you have any explanation for this complete turn around from a party that always opposed our enemies to one that now works to help them?

Do you think Reagan would support standing by while your pal Putin reconstitutes the old Russian empire?

But anyway…

Boy am I relieved. You haven’t given up your “as a proud Democrat,,,“ routine, and you’re just as committed as ever.

Keep it up good buddy‼️ Only 325 days left!

On a more serious note, Voice...

Of course I want to see Fred the Farmer win his bet, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how putting a “as a Honorable Democrat“ in front of your usual VoiceforAll grievances with their usual misinformation and falsehoods, and then ending it with “go Democrats!“ communicates any better than what you were doing before?

Let's not forget how Biden's property in Ukraine is very close to the tunnel systems that were used extensively for transporting contraband, smuggling and child sex trafficking. All of which are fully proven before we suddenly befriended Zelensky. Remember, the Western media claimed this corruption existed just a few years ago. Look it up: NYT, Atlantic, WAPO, etc.

Now you want to believe it's not true? How cute.

For someone who is so “deeply connected” and “has the inside scoop,” Abe, you are somehow blissfully unaware that Germany is doing quite well in weaning itself off Russian hydrocarbons.

Maybe it’s time to expand your information sources a wee bit from your small world of conspiracy sites and propaganda videos.

Instead of “serving them right” Germany is making a fool of you and Putin by “serving themselves right.”

And we (the US) are now providing them with large shipments of Liquid Natural Gas that are being received at terminals they’ve built in record time since the war started.

This among other measures they and other Europeans have taken is removing them (and soon other European nations) from ever needing to depend on Russian fossil fuels again.

So add 1️⃣the loss of the European fossil fuel market to Putin's astounding strategic failures.

Of course he can still sell to China and India at cut rate prices, but even they are expanding cheaper green energy infrastructure to escape dependence on unreliable foreign energy sources.

For the foreseeable future Putin has succeeded in 2️⃣Uniting the free world against him, 3️⃣expanding NATO and 4️⃣relegating Russia to an impoverished client of China with a third or fourth rate military.

Only you and the Trumpster wing of the Republican Party can save him.

Keep trying old buddy. Do you have any more unsubstantiated opinions you’d like to share?

PS Don’t forget to call me a name in your brief response.

So you're denying my cred? So what. It doesn't change the fact that the best information comes from those who are not owned by the corporate media. You subscribe to the version that has been filtered by the big players who are desperately clinging to power by a thread.

Remember, my friend John told us in 1985 that we only hear the news that the three letter agencies approve of, and the message is scripted to fit the agenda. To deny this is just ignorance on your part.

Doesn't change the fact that we blew up the pipeline at a critical time for EU, especially Germany. We essentially crossed Germany by secretly ruining their fuel source. Here's your name: Moron.

Hey Clown Rus; Give your description of "what winning is" in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Go on Motor mouth Give the world your description of "winning a war". We await your wisdom.

You don’t need to wait. Mr. Scow. E pluribus has laid it out quite clearly.

Now maybe you can tell us why Trumpsters are so protective of Putin. Or why you are so deathly afraid of him.

Not afraid of Putin at all. We applaud him for defying the NWO globalists. Someday soon, you will thank him.

Unless you prefer bugs for lunch. If you're alive to eat, that is.

Don't forget all Obama/Joe helped instigate this war back Obama's first term is where today's issues started. Plus Europe/NATO itself has been poking the Russian bear since the wall came down. All this was completely preventable and complete waste of our money. Absolutely NOTHING to gain! Go on Clown Rus & other prowar folks---what is there to gain out of this? Come on Clown Russ describe "winning". Clown Russ and others--Your just like Freddie the Farmer--put on the spot and can't back up your mouth.

Biden and his sanctions are doing nothing! He economic position is feeding both sides of the war. You want to hurt Russia in pocket book? We should be exporting oil/gas like crazy. Take away his market on oil/gas. In fact you prowar fools. UK is STILL BUYING RUSSIA OIL! Just at a 'Capped" price I.E cheaper--so is China/India! That's Putin's incoming CASH. In fact you pro war idiots--look how much goods USA still purchases! That right Clown Rus and band of fools USA is still importing Russian Goods. Baltic Birch Plywood is one import--tens of if not hundreds of million $$$$$ a month! Russia is ONLY maker of Baltic Birch Plywood. Even Cryto mining equipment comes in. Biden and this admin is blowing so much smoke up your rearend daily on this it unreal you fools--your own $$$$ are feeding money to RUSSIA---Putin is beating Biden like a BAAAAAD DOG! Daily 24/7. Wake up you idiots.

You can tell Larry knows he’s on his back foot and losing the argument when he has to call names so many times in a single post.

I call you names because they are so fitting.

Here’s Larry telling us again that Putin’s winning. 🤣

After all his lonesome posts that no one reads in the news section of the Press & Dakotan, Larry’s frustrated at having to suffer pushback on his silliness over here on this forum.

PS Don’t forget to tell us how Biden could have stopped Putin from invading Ukraine🤣

Russia will never fall. We will all die before Russia falls.

And no, don't think Ukraine is winning. That is just not true.

I hear your sympathy for poor Putin who’s been “poked” by NATO. (Or is it your fear of the bully?)

However, whatever your motivation may be, I can give a much better answer than you’ve given for your frequent declarations that this war could’ve been prevented. When I put the question to you earlier, you couldn't come up with anything better than:

“Biden should have drawn a firm red line!”

As if Putin, the bloody war criminal, could be stopped by a stern talking to. 🤦‍♂️

I can’t take that seriously.🤣

And actually Larry, we (the US and NOT Ukraine) have already won in major ways that will not be easily undone. Ways that already make the expense of this war VERY COST EFFECTIVE. (For us.

I won’t repeat them. I already laid out four of them in my above post.

The only thing left to be determined is whether your Trumpster wing of what’s left of the Republican Party can stop us from helping Ukraine achieve their ultimate victory.

Is that clear enough, Mr. Skow?

Yesterday (Friday) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged the United States and our allies to renew their resolve to help Ukraine as it stands up to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

He pushed back against the Putin apologists in his own party who are loudly calling for us to withdraw our support from the Ukrainians.

Notice that none of the retired military commanders who are free to speak their opinions, no experts on global politics, no one, no one, except the talking heads at Fox News and the right wing blogosphere (and of course our very own VoiceforAll, Abe and Larry) want to hand over Ukraine to the Russians.

Perhaps we can add this issue - along with abortion rights and the Big Lie - to the culture wars that may cost Trumpsters their fourth election loss in 2024.

It’s the same old story: these are the issues that the Trumpsters who are 30% of the electorate keep preaching to each other.

These are the issues that we have learned from the texts of Tucker and his pals at Fox News are being pushed to keep their viewer from leaving to Newsmax or another competitor.

We know now that folks at Fox broadcast whatever it needs to in order to confirm the belief of its viewers.

As Tucker so clearly explained in his texts, viewership and the stock price of Fox is more important than truthful reporting.

If anyone cares to look outside the “Trumpster safe place” bubble of Fox News, the amazing behind-the-scenes text traffic of the Fox talking heads heads is there for all to read. There’s no way to spin it - they knew they were lying to take their Trumpsters viewers to the bank.

They believed “there’s a sucker born every minute” and they wanted them all to watch Fox News.

VoiceforAll, Abe and Larry. Please don’t push back on this until you read these posts which, of course, you will defend.

But at least this way I’ll be spared the trouble of posting all these FOX texts myself for your viewing pleasure.

With a propaganda machine like Fox behind the 2024 Republican primary candidates, professing a firm belief in these cultural war issues will be essential for winning the Republican primaries.

After that we’ll see how well this all will play in the general election.

Controlled opposition in politics and a pressure relief valve in the media. You insist on using every shred of evidence without doing your own research. Good try, dummy

Critical error: accepting all at face value.

Conspiracies have proven true over and over. It's just a matter of time. Forty years ago I was called crazy for telling of the CIA's involvement in the assassination of JFK. And here we are...

Ukraine is the Left’s new religion (high priest Zelensky), replacing COVID mandates (high priest Fauci), which replaced global warming (high priestess Greta Thunberg)

There will come a time when you will recognize how terribly wrong you were. Just like covid and the jabs,, you will be proven as complicit sheep. You will be sorry. You will never say it, but it will happen to be your fate. Sorrow, gnashing of teeth and eternal damnation. That is what awaits you for going against truth.

Dear Abe, what kind of dialogue is this with you just making one or two sentence declarations that you know the truth⁉️

Be that as it may, no one is saying Russia will fall.

That's not even the point of our support for the Ukrainians.

Sure, it would be amazing if pushing Putin out of Ukraine resulted in the revolt of the non-Russian peoples who’ve been under the thumb of the Russian empire ever since Ivan the Terrible and his successors gobbled up the retreating empire of the collapsing Mongol dynasty of Ghengis Khan in the 16th century.

But we don’t need such grandiose and earth shaking events to justify the gains we’re already well on our way to accomplishing.

Consider just these four things:

1️⃣Russias impending loss of the European fossil fuel market. 2️⃣Uniting the free world against Russia, 3️⃣expanding NATO and 4️⃣relegating Russia to an impoverished client of China with a third or fourth rate military.

None of this was anticipated by Putin as he launched his unprovoked war of conquest in the Ukrainian people.

It remains to be determined whether your Trumpster wing of what’s left of the Republican Party can stop us from helping Ukraine achieve their ultimate victory.

I’m looking at the support this conflict has from Senate Republicans, and I’m thinking it’s doubtful.

I’m not even sure there’s enough support for abandoning the Ukrainians in the House.

It wouldn’t take too many Republicans to abandon the Marjorie Taylor Greene “crazy caucus” and vote with the Democrats to keep supporting the Ukrainians.

When Trump was president he indicated he would be just fine with Russia keeping Crimea. When Putin invaded Ukraine a year ago Trump declared he was a “genius.”

But in stark contrast, under the Biden administration the Russian threat to the rest of the free world has already been seriously diminished.

Our involvement in this conflict is paying off. We’re already getting the results we need.

Now we’ll see if you Trumpster’s can stop the Ukrainians from getting the results THEY need.

Of course you may respond by simply telling me I’m wrong, you’re “deeply connected,” that you “have the inside scoop” and maybe even calling me a name or two.

And telling me “Just you wait, you’ll be sorry.”

But even an uniformed, uninvolved bystander can sense the sad fragility of such a weak “defense” of your opinions.

I think you may understand. You are wrong, I'm deeply connected and have the inside scoop, idiot. Just you wait.

I will stand with Roger Waters and the majority of the citizens of the world. You dweeb are hopeless.

Roger Waters? I’m starting to see that your take on the world is actually coming from the FAR LEFT.

Who knew?🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

Roger Waters is an English musician, singer, songwriter, and composer, best known as the co-founder, bassist, and lyricist of the legendary rock band Pink Floyd. Waters was born on September 6, 1943, in Surrey, England. He formed Pink Floyd in 1965 with Syd Barrett, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright while studying architecture at Regent Street Polytechnic in London.

Waters was the primary lyricist of Pink Floyd and wrote many of the band's most popular songs, including "Another Brick in the Wall," "Money," "Wish You Were Here," and "Comfortably Numb." He also contributed significantly to the band's concept albums, such as "The Wall" and "Animals."

Waters left Pink Floyd in 1985 due to creative differences and pursued a successful solo career, releasing several critically acclaimed albums. He has also been involved in various political and humanitarian causes, such as advocating for Palestinian rights and protesting against the Iraq War.

Roger Waters is known for being a vocal political activist and has expressed his political beliefs in his music and public statements. His political views are left-leaning and he has been involved in various political and humanitarian causes, such as advocating for Palestinian rights, protesting against war, and supporting environmental causes.

Waters has been a vocal critic of Israeli policy towards Palestinians and has supported the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which calls for a cultural, academic, and economic boycott of Israel until it complies with international law and recognizes the rights of Palestinians. He has faced criticism and accusations of anti-Semitism for his support of the BDS movement.

Waters has also been critical of US foreign policy and the military-industrial complex, and has been involved in anti-war protests. He has supported the anti-nuclear movement and has advocated for environmental causes, such as combating climate change and protecting the oceans.

Overall, Waters' political beliefs can be described as progressive and centered around social justice, peace, and environmentalism

You did not acknowledge Roger's stance on Ukraine, which is much different than yours.

We all have our individual styles of communication on this forum.

Abes style is to wander through the various dialogue of others and spread his terse commentary like a teenager scrawling graffiti on a bathroom wall.

Clown Rus/SoDakD/Freddie Freeloader/ Other liberals; Congratulations every time you run a reply to others you daily provide proof to the long-held theory that intellectually handicap can only throw shade on the competent folks. Always Shade never solution.

I’m reassured. The Press & Dakotan deleted Larry’s racist post.

I’m asking you, Larry, please refrain from these kinds of comments.

There’s no need to fuel the spreading flames of America's harsh racial divisions.

So you are saying it again Larry:

“Clown Rus cant [sic] give [a] description of winning the war.”

You must have missed my response as you were cruising unopposed over there in the Press & Dakotan news section.

I’ll say it again. Mr. Scow. E pluribus has laid it out quite clearly. And he says it so much better than I can.

Now maybe you can tell us why Trumpsters are so protective of Putin. Or why you are so deathly afraid of him.

No, Abe, I don't ascribe to Roger's stance on Ukraine.

And I generally don’t form my opinions on foreign policy by checking out what rock musicians think. Even good ones like Roger Waters.

I listen to his music, but I don’t rely on him for understanding global politics.

But for someone who is comfortable with conspiracy websites, he’s probably as good a source of information as any of your other favorites.

And this does give me a peek behind your cryptic declarations and see for the first time that your take on the world is actually coming from the far left.

Who would have guessed? But the arrogant madness of the far right and the far left is really not too disimular.

My standing with Roger Waters is not what you assume. I don't look to him for answers, but I found, on this occasion, that he is dead on with his take on the Ukraine crisis.

You are just dumb.

If insults won debates you’d be the champ, Abe.

Woody Harrelson gets two thumbs up for his take on the big pharma "drug cartels".

Does that equate to forming my opinion? No, and you're still just dumb.

BTW, Abe,

*️⃣Fact Check-No evidence children were rescued from Joe Biden-owned property in Ukraine*️⃣

Reuters? Well, then the case is closed. At least in your mind. You are REALLY dumb.

Gimme had a piece of doggerel that I’ve saved just for an occasion like this.

🛑Abe’s polemics are strange.

The same old song.

He thinks it’s enough

to just say “you’re wrong!”

Who cares if he’s clueless,

knows not where he’s at?

Without any facts

he’ll still talk through his hat.🛑

Hey Clown Rus: You have your word salad but say NOTHING meaningful. yet have you defined "winning" in Ukraine. Go on spit it out type it in Lets hear your definition of "winning" the war in Ukraine. Plus if you "win", what have you gained? Tons of ruble/years of rebuilding--you understand Bill Gates hates concrete as it contributes to "climate change". So to keep him happy what do you rebuild with--after you "win". Floor is your Clown Rus. Rap away--we await your words of wisdom.

The Clown keeps answering you, Larry, by referring to me. So let me direct this to you.

No one is saying Russia will fall.

That's not even the point of our support for the Ukrainians. (Though of course that’s what Putin is saying.)

Sure, it would be amazing if pushing Putin out of Ukraine resulted in the revolt of the non-Russian peoples.

They’ve been under the thumb of the Russian empire ever since Ivan the Terrible and his successors gobbled up the collapsing Mongol dynasty of Ghengis Khan in the 16th century.

BUT we don’t need such grandiose and earth shaking events to justify the gains we’re already well on our way to accomplishing.

Consider just these four things:

1️⃣Russias impending loss of the European fossil fuel market. 2️⃣Uniting the free world against Russia, 3️⃣expanding NATO and 4️⃣relegating Russia to an impoverished client of China with a third or fourth rate military.

None of this was anticipated by Putin as he launched his unprovoked war of conquest in the Ukrainian people.

It remains to be determined whether your Trumpster wing of what’s left of the Republican Party can stop us from helping Ukraine achieve their ultimate victory.

I’m looking at the support this conflict has from the Senate Republicans, and I’m thinking it’s doubtful.

I’m not even sure there’s enough support for abandoning the Ukrainians in the House.

It wouldn’t take too many Republicans to abandon the Marjorie Taylor Greene “crazy caucus” and vote with the Democrats to keep supporting the Ukrainians.

When Trump was president he indicated he would be just fine with Russia keeping Crimea. When Putin invaded Ukraine a year ago Trump declared he was a “genius.”

But in stark contrast, under the Biden administration the Russian threat to the rest of the free world has already been seriously diminished.

Our involvement in this conflict is paying off. We’re already getting the results we need.

Now we’ll see if you Trumpster’s can stop the Ukrainians from getting the results THEY need.

Of course you may respond by simply telling me I’m wrong, and maybe even calling me a name or two.

But even an uniformed, uninvolved bystander can sense the sad fragility of your weak “defense” of your opinions.

All you Democrates and Biden lovers are off the deep end. You all better learn to support and feed you and your family very soon. Within our childrens time on this planet they will see some very bad and hard times. Stockup now, build harden shelter, learn combat skills and be ready. Biden said to be ready for a dark winter and that is the only thing he will be any good at getting done. Get ready buttercup.

I’m curious, AR.

From your previous posts I’m assuming you’re not a believer in global warming, so what is it you see ahead? What do you anticipate?

Global warming is a natural process. Nature is ever changing. Man did not cause the dinosours to go extinct did they. What I see ahead is the global elite trying everything thing possable to create a one world order were you every day people will be subject to total rule by one ruleing power. They are trying to do it with the 30X30 land grab, a man made pandemic with forced vac, huge goverment payouts to get people used to not working and living off free goverment handouts. You people better get ready for some bad things to happen in this country. An open border is allowing mass numbers of drugs into our country. It is allowing larg numbers of very bad people in also. Like I said , learn to feed yourself, stock up on self defence supplies, create shelter from the big one, cash will be king along with gold and silver. You can laugh but proved me wrong.

I’m reassured. The Press & Dakotan deleted Larry’s racist post.

I’m asking you, Larry, please refrain from these kinds of comments.

There’s no need to fuel the spreading flames of America's harsh racial divisions.

Wow, what a busy weekend you all had, and like SoDakD said, no need to fuel the spreading flames of America's harsh racial divisions. We need to get back to the days of our own President Obama and the last two years of our own President Biden and note how unified these two presidents have made our country. Under Obama our nation came together in ways never before seen, until President Biden took over, now, just look at us, so much unity, so much love, so much pride in our nation, CRT has brought our children together, Pete Buttigieg has found all the racists highways in our nation and corrected them, our President Biden using phases calling half of the American citizens extremists that only forces these people to be democrats now, rewriting books, removing statues, pushing segregation, media outlets and TV shows like The View promoting nothing but positivity from our own democratic party, all this has been so successful in bringing the people of this nation together. Let our examples of democratic leadership, of love, of pride in America, of not attacking a single person or group in our country, be the example we all need to hold ourselves up to. And if it does happen, make sure to point it out that it is only the republicans doing this, it is Trump's fault people are doing it, and that all these decades of us democrats saying we are here to help and we are the only ones working at stopping racism in our nation has finally come to a complete and total success under President Biden's and the democratic parties leadership. It only took about 100 years, but we democrats have successfully stopped racism, we have brought the African American people out of poverty, out of homelessness, out of their criminal activities, we are the party that has done that, finally, and we told you we were going to do it.

And how disappointing to see headlines like these from over the weekend, all this misinformation still going around, these media outlets need to be fact checked by our own democratic party prior to these things being printed, how else can we only have our democratic parties version of the truth be out there:

1) House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-KY) accused the Biden administration of “operating in bad faith” and obstructing his committee’s investigation into the Biden family’s finances.

2) Glenn Youngkin: Communist China Tries Using ‘Trojan Horse’ To Get Access To Reap U.S. Taxpayer Benefits

3) Biden National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Downplays Report Saying COVID Likely Came From Chinese Lab

4) New Intel Prompts Energy Dept To Assess COVID Likely Leaked From Wuhan Lab

5) Biden Claims It’s A ‘Possibility’ Communist China’s Xi Jinping Didn’t Know Spy Balloon Was Flying Over U.S.

6) Australian News Bursts Out Laughing At Biden

7) Leftists Promise To Rewrite The Classic Works Of Roald Dahl As They Redesign Western Culture

8) Zelensky Challenges American Voters: If U.S. Doesn’t Support Ukraine, It ‘Will Lose Leadership Position In The World’

9) Biden Will Not Visit East Palestine Following Train Catastrophe

10) ‘It’s Not Surprising’: Jordan Slams Dems For Not Attending Border Crisis Meeting

Ar223, you write:

“What I see ahead is the global elite trying everything possible to create a one world order where you everyday people will be subject to total rule by one ruling power. “

I guess you’re serious, but for this “everyday person,” I find that’s pretty hard to imagine with the “global elite” continually fighting with each other.

Don’t you see all of the conflicts among major nations of the world like the United States, NATO, Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, and all the smaller confrontations, like the Israelis and Palestinians, and the various JIHADI movements through much of the Middle East and Africa?

This is going to result in your “New World Order”?

And of course the “elite” of this country are even less unified than ever as is clear with our growing political polarization.

So I really can’t see the “one world order” as a real threat. Can you help me understand this?

Not sure either that anything else you mention is a serious threat to me - or anyone for that matter.

And truthfully - though crime is trending up - statistically it’s clear we’ve actually lived through much worse threats from crime in the past.

So what has changed so markedly that you're recommending these ”survivalist” measures to prepare for some sort of apocalypse?

Of course, no one can prove you wrong, Ar223.

Not when you’re talking about your prediction for the future.

So,I can't say you’re wrong, but you do seem a little hysterical.

As a proud Republican, I’m so glad to see the Marjorie Taylor Greene wing of our great Republican Party finally expose all the evil hidden in Hunter’s laptop and bring it to the light of day.

And not a moment too soon. The deep state American justice system will soon be filing a bunch of indictments against a number of innocent patriots of the Trump administration.

But thanks to Hunter's laptop it will be proven that the true Americans of the Trump Administration who tirelessly worked to overthrow the rigged election did nothing like the wrongdoing of the Biden crime family that’s about to be exposed.

Stay tuned, loyal Republicans. Hunters laptop is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️

Russo-Ukraine war is another huge Biden FAILURE for USA citizens. Clown Rus/SoDakD/Truth Fairy and rest of fools just can't admit it. Biden likes to put USA last. Prime example is east Palestine Ohio. By the way did all of you proud last place folks know that this is 2nd huge PVC spill under administration Biden has been involved with. First one was 2012 in New Jersy. Now if Biden Rode Amtrak as often as he claimed be would of rode by that mess. That one Obama's EPA just let it flow into the river.

Larry, I'm guessing you opposed the Cold War.

And now your putting America FIRST means abandoning the Ukrainians and our NATO allies. Do I have this right?

That sure makes our triumph in the cold war as the Soviet Union collapsed seem rather meaningless, doesn’t it?

What was the point of that struggle if now you and your fellow Trumpsters support Putin's bloody push to rebuild the Soviet Union’ Russian empire?

I guess if Reagan were a Trumpster talking about trashing the American foreign policy we’ve pursued since WWII, he’d be saying,

“Mr. Putin, tear down this all.”

This certainly is not your grandfather's Republican party is it?

SoDakD: If I got censored as you say. Then that is a great honor I will proudly wear. It simply means one of the "ISM" crowd called editor staff and whined cried about poor old Larry hurting my feelings. So lets pull out the "ISM" card. Racism/Sexism/Bigotism/Anti-Trannyism/you name the ISM lets use the card. SoDakD and all the "offended" It simply means you a can't handle the TRUTH! Your all lost without Old Hugh to cut/paste some BS. Evidently he is cutting/pasting names on dead voter Ballots somewhere down below only to return to cast his vote in next election. So all THANK YOU for getting me censored--its a honor. But stay tuned---there lots more breast beating coming (on your part). I have always said if your mad now---give me 30 seconds and I can really raise your blood pressure. I live for the thrill. Lets heat those phone lines up to the editor. Since ya all are to chicken to write a letter to editor and stamp your name on a opinion. Hide behind a phone call.

So your “truth” is calling ex-president Obama a racial slur?

White supremacists think bigotry is truth.

Why are all you European immigrants so shocked?

TruthFairy’s posting has described Mr. Scow since he began posting.

The real question is why it took the Press & Dakotan so long to apply their standards at the bottom of this page.

And here is yet more false headlines from the media, for crying out loud, as a democratic party, can't we do better at censoring these headlines from the public like we were able to do during covid, we need to get back to that:

1) Biden ripped for 'I may be a White boy, but I'm not stupid' comment at Black History Month event

2) CCP government 'intentionally released' COVID-19 'all over the world,' Chinese virologist says, Dr. Li Meng Yan says the CCP underestimated the virus' transmissibility

3) Republicans unveil effort to boost energy production, fast-track permitting process, Biden administration policies are 'pushing more people into energy poverty,' Rep. Garret Graves says

4) Men Pretending To Be Women Will Be Included In Smithsonian’s New ‘American Women’s History Museum’

5) Massive Fentanyl Shipment, Enough To Kill 50 Million People, Seized In California

6) Defense, State Departments Refusing To Cooperate On Examination Of Their Afghanistan Blunders, Auditor Says

7) China Is Full Steam Ahead With New Coal Plants As The West Goes Green

Sheesh, can you believe all this misinformation that is out there? Come on democrats, get on board with me to silence all this, good thing it is keeping people from focusing on how awful the country is being ran and the billions and billions of dollars we are funneling to Ukraine and all the record high prices for everything we are buying, right?

Voice, if you're lamenting that “as a democratic party, can't we do better at censoring these headlines from the public,” you might try the FOX NEWS paradigm that the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit is revealing.

They’ve been extremely successful at keeping the truth from the public.

As a proud Republican, I’m so glad to see that Rupert Murdock is finally pushing back against those Venezuelan communists behind the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit against our Fair and Balance Fox News.

Sure, under oath Murdoch had to acknowledge that his Fox News hosts had shamelessly spread election fraud lies.

Probably there wasn’t much else he could do, since their texts to each other behind the scenes revealed that they all knew they were lying to keep their viewership from abandoning them for NewsMax or OAN.

And of course those socialist democrats will say he just threw Fox hosts Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo, “under the bus.”

But, really, what’s so bad about lying when market share and stock prices are in the balance?

Tucker said it best when he texted his outrage at Fox reporter, Jacqui Heinrich who inexplicably went off script and tried telling the truth about Trump losing the election:

“Please get her fired, it needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.”

And who are we to judge a man who is worth over 400 million dollars when a drop of a few points in his stock holdings could mean millions of dollars?

How can working stiffs even begin to understand the pain and suffering this man was facing if he told the truth?

Never judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his Guccis I always say. And as a proud, working class Republican, I always have a special place in my heart (and an open wallet) for the plight of the super wealthy.

And anyways, the greater good may have been accomplished by Murdoch’s strategy.

It was very clever of him to put forth a few sacrificial lambs (who weren’t at the top of the ratings anyway) to save the flock.

And he didn’t even mention his biggest moneymaker, Tucker Carlson!

If Rupert’s successful, he can shift the blame for everything on Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo and keep our Fair and Balance Fox News free to continue telling us what we want to hear.

Go Republicans‼️ Saving the credibility of Fox News is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️

It's about time something like this happened, this is our own democratic party leading they way, once again, and hopefully this spreads like wildfire across our nation, hopefully every African American in the United States receives this, not just the great democratically run city of San Francisco:

San Francisco's panel on reparations explained on Tuesday how it came to its recent recommendation that qualifying Black residents should receive $5 million each. The city's African American Reparations Advisory Committee unveiled its recommendation in January, arguing that the city owed compensation to Black residents for decades of discrimination. The committee's chair, consultant Eric McDonnell, now says the $5 million number came as a result of a "journey" rather than a "math formula."

Our own democrat, our own marvelous leader of the great city of Chicago that has gone from high crime to almost zero crime under her watch, is absolutely right about this, Time magazine should be shut down for their racism towards here:

"Struggling Lori Lightfoot suggests TIME Magazine is racist for not featuring her on cover like Rahm Emanuel"

And file this one under republican misinformation, MAGA and Trump's fault:

"New York teacher 'forced' and 'manipulated' 5th-grader to become transgender, causing suicidal ideation: 'Manipulated a pre-teen female into changing her gender identity when the child did not feel any inclination to do so'"

As a proud Republican, I’m so happy to see that Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk in Texas is about to outlaw medical contraception nationwide.

Even if he doesn’t, this is one more indication to Democrats and Independents that we’re really serious about outlawing abortion in ALL 50 states‼️ (We really fooled them, didn’t we?🤣).

Anyways, once the majority of Americans who support women’s abortion rights see there’s nothing they can do to stop us, they’ll recognize the inevitable and come flocking to vote for us in the 2024 elections!

Go Republicans‼️ A national ban on abortion rights is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️

And even more misinformation from those darn republicans:

1) Biden Taps California Official Who Oversaw Billions In COVID Unemployment Fraud To Serve As Labor Secretary

2) East Palestine Is Still Suffering — But Ohio’s Democrat Senator Took Time For A Hollywood Fundraiser

This is ridiculous, all this misinformation being put out there, don't these republicans and the people of America none of this matters, all that matters is how great we all have it, how much our savings accounts are increasing, how safe we are, how much crime has dropped, how our southern border is closed, how awesome the Ukrainian war is going, how China and North Korea are shaking in their boots from the stern language our great President Biden is using against them. These are the things that matter, right fellow democrats?

As a proud Republican, I’m greatly enheartened to see in rallies across the country, Trump, the leader of our party, continues to hammer on the truth that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him in a rigged election.

Some people say Republicans lost the 2022 midterms because the low-information Democratic and Independent voters didn’t believe what they call “THE BIG LIE.”

But that’s only because we didn’t say it enough.

President Trump will never let Americans forget this, and Republicans who value his endorsement will keep the memory of this tragedy alive.

Go Republicans‼️ Keeping alive the story of the stolen election is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️

SoDakD, you're never going to hear back from Ar223. Folks like him live for the fantasy of rugged survivalism.

And this requires an irrational understanding of the world around him.

In fact, one way of looking at this is that you’re being quite rude for spoiling his fun.

Like a parent ridiculing a child for playing “make-believe.”

He’s probably some baby-boomer who is quite harmless and will continue keeping his assault rifle safety locked away as a prop for his fantasies.

So, Katie Hobbs is gang bangin' now? Sinaloa Cartel has bought and paid for most of the FILTHY, CHEATING, UNAMERICAN DEMOCRATS in Arizona. It still blows my mind to see all the corruption from those scumbags and people (morons) still support the dems. Sad, isn't it.

Typical Abe.

He cruises his conspiracy websites, comes to a conclusion and calls us morons for not believing his unsupported declarations.

Gimme had a relevant piece of doggerel:

🔴Why do WE have to do

research YOU won’t share

To prove YOU'RE right

Not full of hot air?🔴

As a proud Republican I am struck with awe and respect for Kari Lake who should be the true Governor of Arizona instead of Katie Hobbs who Abe tells us is only Arizona's governor because of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Her ongoing fight in the courts to prove the Arizona election was rigged keeps reminding Americans that elections are always rigged when Republicans lose.

Go Republicans‼️ Keeping alive the story of Democrats stealing elections is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️

Looks like these allegations go both ways, Abe.

*️⃣Arizona Republicans Disavow Wide-Ranging Bribery Allegation*️⃣

So I guess the Sinaloa Cartel has also bought and paid for most of the FILTHY, CHEATING, UNAMERICAN REPUBLICANS in Arizona.

Thanks for alerting us to this, Abe.🤣

Looks like this is the most we can expect in the way of bipartisanship in these troubled times.😉

"FBI Director Christopher Wray said during an interview on Tuesday that the FBI assesses that a laboratory in Wuhan, China, is responsible for the outbreak of the COVID pandemic and that there is classified material to back up the bureau’s assessment." - As a democrat and a hardline supporter of our party and our great President Biden, I say this is complete blasphemy, we democrats for years and so many on this forum said for years, that the republicans and Trump and MAGA were all making this up, that it was impossible for this to happen. We said for years, our media outlets, our social media sites, our local leaders, our state leaders, our national leaders, said over and over and over and over and over that covid did not come from China. I read newspaper article after newspaper article that said this was impossible. I watched news casts on a daily basis for years that said this was impossible. We silenced people for saying this, we attacked people for saying this, we belittled people for saying this. Then President Trump repeated this lie over and over and over that covid came from a lab in China, and we all called him a liar, we attacked him, we all said that this was misinformation, that he should be impeached for saying this. So how can this be possible? Our leaders from the democrat party were all telling us this wasn't true, they were making sure the media was reporting this, they were making sure social media sites were shut down for reporting this, so it's impossible that this is true, no possible way, right fellow democrats? Why would our democratic leaders, why would our own President Biden, stand in front of all the world and tell us this wasn't true? As a democrat, this really makes me wonder what else our democratic leaders are telling us that isn't true, doesn't it you?

Voice, It seems that the major bad actor in this saga is China, who was certainly less than transparent on this matter:

*️⃣“A report on the origins of Covid, commissioned by President Joe Biden and released by the National Intelligence Director’s Office in August 2021, showed that one U.S. intelligence agency had assessed with moderate confidence that the virus infected humans after a lab-associated incident; four other agencies assessed with low confidence that the virus emerged naturally.

The report did not name the agencies, but intelligence officials have said the FBI was the agency with moderate confidence”*️⃣

So, Voice, even if this “moderate confidence“ finding is true, what practical difference does it make in how we respond to Covid?

SoDak, if that “…report on the origins of Covid was commissioned by Joe Biden in 2021,” it seems to me Voice is once again bombarding us with his apocalyptic hyperbole.

Just more “Sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

As a proud Republican I’m so happy to report that Speaker McCarthy and Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Congressional Republicans are committed to balancing the budget and demanding at least $3 trillion in tax cuts for the over-taxed wealthy and their large corporations.

If the socialist Democrats won’t budge, we’ll refuse to raise the debt ceiling. That’ll show ‘em‼️

Of course, as a matter of simple math, that means Democrats will have to give in to trillions in program cuts.

But the place for these cuts are OBVIOUS.

EVERY Republican budget or fiscal plan over the last decade has included repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and deep cuts to Medicaid.

(Before anyone panics, farm subsidies don’t seem to be on the chopping block.)

Anyways, the real “low hanging fruit” that will solve most of our fiscal problems is to kill Obama’s socialist healthcare fantasies.

Sure, this is likely to mean more Americans will perish, but we’re already quite used to a higher mortality rate than other civilized nations.

And besides it will greatly reduce the numbers of Americans on Social Security, so it won’t be so noticeable when we go after that miserable entitlement.

Go Republicans‼️ Finally getting rid of Obamacare and Medicaid is the key to winning the 2024 election‼️ Social Security is next‼️

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Mr. CleanSoDakDMr. CleanLarry SkowClownsRusMr. CleanE pluribusTruthFairy605Mr. Clean2 Tier Justice SystemMr. CleanFriedrich FarmerSoDakDSoDakDMr. CleanE pluribusMr. CleanMr. CleanLarry SkowClownsRusMr. CleanLarry SkowLarry SkowSoDakDMr. CleanFriedrich FarmerMr. CleanE pluribusSoDakDMr. CleanMr. CleanMr. CleanMr. CleanE pluribusMr. CleanMr. CleanET2021Mr. CleanClownsRusLarry SkowSoDakDClownsRusET2021Mr. CleanFriedrich FarmerMr. CleanET2021Mr. CleanTruthFairy605Larry SkowE pluribusAr223SoDakDAr223SoDakD2 Tier Justice System2 Tier Justice SystemSoDakDVOICE for VoiceforAllLarry SkowE pluribusLarry SkowSoDakDTruthFairy605Red Cloud2 Tier Justice SystemFriedrich FarmerVOICE for VoiceforAll2 Tier Justice System2 Tier Justice System2 Tier Justice SystemVOICE for VoiceforAll2 Tier Justice SystemVOICE for VoiceforAllClownsRusMr. CleanTruthFairy605VOICE for VoiceforAllSoDakDSoDakD2 Tier Justice SystemSoDakDFriedrich FarmerVOICE for VoiceforAllKeep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.Success!Error!